
Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday YA Wrap Up

I'm starting a new feature on Fridays, a wrap-up of my favorite YA/publishing-related blog posts from the past week. If there's anything that I missed, let me know in the comments!

First, unless you live under a non-WiFi-enabled rock, you've heard the big news this week: the National Book Award-Lauren Myracle debacle. Many writers, agents, editors, and bloggers touched on the story that Myracle's Shine was mistakingly nominated before she was asked to remove herself from consideration, but here are a few posts that I found interesting*:

This Week in Clusterfuck, brought to you by the National Book Foundation, Libba Bray
SHOW not just tell your support for SHINE
, Janet Reid
A Disappointed Author, A Misheard Word, And A Mess At The National Book Awards
, Linda Holmes, NPR's Monkey See

"It's Your Fault We Nominated Your Book By Accident!", Laura Zigman

and from Lauren Myracle herself:
How I was Un-nominated for the National Book Award  Huffington Post
Q&A: National Book Award Un-Nominee, Lauren Myracle, Felt “Gutted and Ashamed”, Brett Berk, Vanity Fair

In other bloggy news:
Jessica at BookEnds talks about What Is Platform for authors
She also put out a great post about how to and why authors should read their publishing contracts closely
Over at ktliterary, there's a huge book giveaway going on for librarians and teachers in need of YA books

Agent Rachelle Gardner discusses Publishing in the Brave New World of the Internet, and why authors need to reach out themselves online to build their audiences

Any links or posts you like that I missed? Let me know in the comments!

*I still think the husband had the best line, when I told him about this whole debacle: "Does this mean you should name your next book Mary Trotter?"

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