
Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday YA Wrap Up

Here are some of my favorite links from the week!

Suzie Townsend at Confessions of a Wandering Heart talks about what agents and editors expect from pitches, especially important if you plan on going to any conferences (or randomly bumping into agents/editors)

Designer Tina Roth Eisenberg posted about this Children's Book Manifesto, created by author Mac Barnett

Author Elizabeth Fama gives her own take on the Chime/Shine confusion and says one-word titles are to blame (also includes amazing one-word reinterpretations of famous books) 

Loved, loved this new blog, The Books They Gave Me, which invites people to send in short essays about books given to them by people they love (disclaimer: I had to contribute my own book-given story) 

This has been out for a little while, but I still like it: author John Green is hosting a contest for readers to redesign the cover of his book, An Abundance of Katherines

Another tumblr I discovered, Few More Pages, all about the love of reading

*Friday YA Wrap Up is wrapping up a day early, since I'm off to East Coast to babysit my adorable nephew. If I missed anything big in the YA world, please leave a note in the comments!

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