
Friday, October 14, 2011

SCBWI Conference 2012!

This is just a friendly reminder to get ready for registration for SCBWI's 13th Annual Winter Conference. Registration begins this Monday, 10AM PT, and the conference will be January 27-29 in New York City.

Having gone to several SCBWI events, I highly recommend them! The folks there are friendly, smart, and love children's/YA books. And if you're not a member of SCBWI, please take this opportunity to sign up! There are local chapters all across the country, a great monthly newsletter, and a variety of other resources for writers and illustrators. It's also a great way to meet fellow writers and start up critique/writing groups. Check it out, and don't forget to register!


  1. I would love to go to this (I went a few times a couple of years ago), but I'm going to the RWA nationals next year. I went this year. They have an amazing line up of YA authors.

  2. Thank you so much for this post. If I donate my liver, ahem...worthless throwback, maybe my husband will let me go. I'm going to Big Sur YA/Children's Workshop Dec 2-4.

    But I will check out the local signup.
    Glad I found your blog.

  3. Hi Kendall. I'm here as the co-host from the Pay It Forward blogfest. Thanks so much for signing up.

    And I wasn't following your blog until just now, so the fest is working!

  4. Once of these days I will go to SCBWI. Someday!

    Nice to meet you and your blog!

  5. Thanks for visiting, everyone!

    Stina: hope you enjoy RWA!

    Wanton Redhead Writing: If you're not already a member of your local SCBWI group, check out the main webpage for more information! I love the NY and Chicago events I've been to!

    Matthew: Thanks so much for starting Pay It Forward! It's been great checking out some new blogs and meeting some new readers! If there are any other events like it in the future, I'd be happy to participate!

    Lydia: Check out the local groups! Smaller, more intimate, and pretty reasonable. And nice to meet you, too!
