
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day-After-Friday Blog Wrap Up!

Happy Day-After-Friday!

After an all-day paint-o-rama led to a writing workshop which led to actually hanging out with the husband for once this week, the Blog Wrap Up sort of fell by the wayside. Sorry! There are many lovely links which I would not like to deprive you of, so without further ado, here are the posts and stories I found most interesting this week:

It's NaNoWriMo! Many folks had some great tips and tricks for how to jump-start your writing:

GalleyCat is posting 1 NaNoWriMo tip a day

Nathan Bransford has also a slew of how-to posts, like why to participate, how to start, and how to stay motivated, as well as a post about success and motivation from author Shawn Thomas

Over at Tor, a look at some of the most successful NaNoWriMo authors and novels

In other bloggy news, the website OccupyWriters is up, featuring poetry, essays, and stories from authors in support of the OccupyWallStreet protests

BookEnds Literary has a great post about how to be a "middle" editor, reading more than what's on the surface without overediting

And they also feature a guest post by Gina Robinson on the creative spark

As usual, if there's anything I've missed, please let me know! And if there's anything you'd like featured here, send me an email.

Have a great weekend!

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