
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Blog Wrap Up

Happy Friday, folks! (As well as Happy 11.11.11 Day, and a special thank you to our soldiers on Veterans Day). This has been a bit of an upside-down week for me, and the husband and I are home for about 36 hours before we head off for another corner of the country.

In the meantime, I've been catching up on the blog-o-sphere, finding all sorts of fun, interesting, thought-provoking posts for this week's wrap up.

It's still NaNoWriMo, which means GalleyCat is still posting a tip a day to keep authors motivated! This week, Fight a Word War, Write What You Don't Know, Get a Literary Butt-Kicking, Download 7 Free Writing Books, and Seek Figment Support.

Via Literary Rambles: Regal Literary is having a Winter Giveaway featuring signed copies of their authors' books. You can enter here

Via Janet Reid: Sara Zarr writes about failure, and how to use failure as a source of inspiration

Meaghan McCarthy at Blue Rose Girls is launching a new project to find authors and illustrators to contribute to a book about bullying. It sounds like a really amazing project, so if you'd like to help, you can visit her website here

Rachelle Gardner talks about Authors and Book Piracy

Jessica at BookEnds Literary discusses her editing process, which includes some good tips on how to become a better editor

The new Nook came out this week! Matt Silverman at Mashable put together a chart of what to know and how it ranks among other e-readers

Via Dystel and Goderich: a great little website that maps out authors' relationships with each other, based on fan interests (turns out everyone loves Twilight...)

Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

UPDATE: One more good one! Also, via Dystel and Goderich (and hot off the bloggy presses...):  Publishing Trendsetter put together an amazing video + diagram post about the life cycle of a book, talking with everyone from the author to the designer to sales to publicity about what happens to get a book from brain to shelves. Fabulous post with great interviews!

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