
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

 I have a lot to be thankful for this year, which has seen me through some ups and downs. I always like to take some time every year to think about the things that mean the most to me. Here are my top ten:

10. Watching the tree outside my window, its leaves changing colors, birds singing on the branches

9. An amazing honeymoon to Italy, and the best gelato in the world

 8. Friendly writers and friendly economists who are helping make Chicago a welcoming place

7. A beautiful home, where I feel happy and safe

 6. The health and happiness of all my family

 5. A first draft with promise

 4. Savings and support and the encouragement and opportunity to actually 
go out there and turn my dreams into reality 

 3. Gaining the greatest in-laws and siblings a girl could ask for

 2. Getting to celebrate my wedding with my spunky, wonderful, Great-Aunt Titi

1. Marrying my best friend

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