
Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Blog Wrap-Up: Turkey Day


Although many bloggers last week were, rightly, on holiday, I still stumbled across a few interesting and noteworthy posts. Enjoy!

Nathan Bransford has a hilarious take down on some of the most popular (and irritating) writing cliches, as well as how to avoid them

Author Elizabeth Fama discusses "buzz," how and why writers generate it, and whether or not buzz is a good thing

Susan Bearman at Write It Sideways talks about the voices writers hear in their heads, how to listen to them, and how to use them

Casey McCormick has a great interview with 9th-grader Hikari, who co-runs the blog Imaginary Reads, about why YA appeals to him

Rachelle Gardner reminds writers to think about their holiday writing schedule (and encourages us to include time to exercise)

Over at Holly Black's blog, there's a fascinating discussion going on about the latest Twilight movie, particularly the depiction of the relationship between Bella and Edward. While Holly's post is a great jumping-off point, I was really interested to read the comments and see all the different perspectives people have

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