
Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Blog Wrap Up: Snow Edition

I woke up this morning to a white surprise: snow in Chicago!* I find that I enjoy snow much more now that I don't have to walk around in it in high heels, although by the time I tried to take a picture, most of the snow had already melted (please accept this snowy photo of an iced-over Walden Pond in its stead).

On to this week's wrap up!

NPR had a great piece about "The Library Phantom," who left stunning sculptures made from books in places throughout Edinburgh that had special meaning to the sculptor

Rachelle Gardner posted the basics for what people need to know to break into publishing, along with the answer to the question "Are Agents Procrastinators?"

Nathan Bransford sheds some light on networking: why it's important and how even shy people can master it!

Author Elizabeth Fama talks about the book packaging boutique Paper Lantern Lit (which I mentioned in last week's round up) and discusses whether the young authors employed there are getting a decent break or are being used as indentured servants.

Jane at Dystel & Goderich talks about an older client she has and the stigma of age in publishing

via Galleycat, author John Green discusses the importance of the Internet, and how it's an extension of your work

Mary at covers Big Revision, and how sometimes the only way to revise is to start fresh

Susan Bearman at Write it Sideways has some tips on how to shape and focus your main character

Finally, Amazon had some big news this week, buying children's publisher Marshall Cavendish Children's Books

Also, this has nothing to do with books, publishing, writing, or anything remotely useful in any way, but I'm including it here because it's funny and I like seeing Donald Glover breakdance on top of a study hall table: the cast of Community plays a pop-culture battle

*when it's still snowing in May, ask me if I'm as excited as I am now

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