
Friday, January 6, 2012

Blog Wrap Up: It's Friday?!

Kick back this weekend...

Wow--just me or did this week go fast? I would have bet anything it was at least Wednesday...

Happily, I found that a lot of bloggers were back in action after the holiday break! Here are some of the posts I found most interesting:

Janet Reid talks about non-fiction and some tips for how to build platform, what exactly that means, and how to pitch your non-fiction book

At Terrible Minds, the 25 things writers should stop doing
Rachelle Gardner asks if you have a marketing plan, as it's becoming more and more important to publishers that authors build their audiences. She also has a fun post asking people to write in with their favorite writing quirks 

Several agents are taking the new year to update their "What I'm Looking For" lists. Here's Lauren's, from Book Ends Lit Agency, and John from Dystel & Goderich

The Backspace Writers Conference registration is open! It'll be May 24-26 in New York City.

Love this one: designer Chris Streger asked some of his favorite design friends to come up with mini-posters on their resolutions for 2012. Although some of them are design-based, there were a lot that spoke to people in all sorts of creative fields, writers included.

Via Galleycat, Figment, the teen writing website, is starting a service that will email daily writing prompts. What a cool way to get writing every day! 

2012 means...the Hunger Games will be out soon! Totalfilm put together 50 things about the book and movie (including a few behind-the-scenes tidbits) that every fan should know

Have a great weekend!

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