
Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Wrap Up: Powdery Donuts Edition

Happy Friday! I don't know about you, but I'm having a wonderful day, my sniffles from yesterday being cured, the snow outside making everything warm and cozy, and a surprise early trip home by the husband! After looking at the soft, powdery snow outside all day, I finally decided that what I really wanted was powdered donuts and -BAM- made it happen. Just another reason why I'm happy that I own a donut maker and why I'm happy I'm a grownup and can make myself donuts in the middle of the day.

Wasn't there something I was going to do? Oh yeah! Blog wrap up!

Over at Write it Sideways, tips and tricks for how to stay on writing schedule when you're sick (I could have used this yesterday, although the only tip I have is "Stay in bed watching Season 2 of Louie"). They also suggest 4 writing routines to work into your schedule

Operation Awesome is holding a book contest, open until this Sunday. Just visit the site and leave a comment with your nominee for "Most Anticipated Book of 2012"

It's conference season! BookEnds Literary has some things to keep in mind when you go to a conference and what to do when you meet agents and editors

Rachelle Gardner answered a reader's question about whether an agent will ever recommend self publishing. She also talks about what makes a book "hot" and how it impacts a book's chance of being sold

Editor Alan Rinzler talks about the art of the pitch, how it's changed with the Internet, and how writers can use different kinds of pitches to sell books, snag editors, or grow audience

School Library Journal's wonderfully-named YA blog, Someday My Printz Will Come, has been putting together their own shortlist for the Printz award and nominees and they've narrowed the field down to their top 4

Author Veronica Roth, whose latest book, Insurgent, will be out in a few weeks, gives a little peek behind the publishing curtain, going over in detail just what it takes to put a book together and on the shelves

Literary Rambles is celebrating their 2000th follower with a massive giveaway!

One last donut shot:

Have a great weekend!

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