
Friday, February 24, 2012

Wrap Up: No-Knead Bread Edition

Smells delish.
Looks sort of weird.
Happy Friday everyone! My project for this weekend is to finally, finally try the recipe for Mark Bittman's oh-so-famous No-Knead Bread. I've made bread before, and while it's been good, I still haven't discovered anything even close to the amazing artisanal bread they sell at the bakery down the road.

So far this recipe has lived up to its no-fuss, no-muss reputation: 3 cups flour, 1/4 tsp yeast, 1 1/4 tsp salt, 1 1/2 cup water, mix and forget for 18 hours. This afternoon, I'll shape it, let it rise again, stick it in my beautiful new Dutch oven, and hopefully enjoy crusty, warm joy.

The blog-o-sphere was busy this week! Let's get down to it

Bent Books' Anonymous Agent Intern Y talks about the importance of picking the right moment for your story's beginning

Author Elizabeth Fama talks about John Green's 150,000 autographs for The Fault in Our Stars, and lets her four children play the doodle game with one of John's signatures (and hilarity ensues)  

The Andre Norton Award short list is out! This award is for excellence in Sci-Fi and Fantasy for Young Adults

Coming off last week's post on what you should ask an agent offering representation, Mary Kole posts a list of questions an agent might ask a potential client. She also fleshes out the standard agent response of "We know it when we see it."

At Write it Sideways, Suzannah Windsor Freeman discusses writing the right story versus writing the story right (say that ten times fast...)

Author Mary Lindsey on Querytracker gives an in-depth look at her editorial process for her latest novel, Shattered Souls

Rachelle Gardner was all about optimism this week with two posts encouraging writers that "You can do this," and listing 6 reasons for writers to be positive on publishing

At Wordplay, K.M. Weiland talks about how to figure out if you've started your story too soon or too late

Melanie McCullough of The Indelibles argues in favor of darkness in YA and supports highlighting difficult or uncomfortable themes in teens' lives

Alan Rinzler invites four top agents to discuss why writers should still seek representation, even in an era of self-pub and change

Have a great weekend!

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