
Monday, February 6, 2012

Writing Spaces: A Wrinkle in Time

First of all, whoops. Totally messed up on last week's YA blog roundup. Which was just silly of me because I wrote it, saved it, told myself I'd publish it later in the afternoon, and then promptly forgot. When I checked my blog this morning I was all "Heeey, where's my post?" and was ready to call the Central Blogger Offices and complain when I saw it sitting pretty in my Drafts folder. *headdesk*

Because I don't like posting anything late, I'll skip last week's round up and just move on. Forgive me, citizens of the Internet!!!

Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and didn't eat too many manly, fattening things yesterday (I know I can't say the same...PS anyone want leftover New York style cheesecake?).

A quick housekeeping note: I'm deep into Mal Peet's Life: An Exploded Diagram, but I'm worried I might not be able to get the whole 300-ish pages done by Thursday, so this week's Quick Review may get moved to next week (or maybe I'll put something else in its place..?).

In the meantime, the wonderful, fabulous A Wrinkle in Time is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month with a slew of fun events, including a 50 days, 50 Blogs blog tour (you can find more information on its Facebook page).

I can distinctly remember the first time I read A Wrinkle in Time, part of my 8th grade summer reading. I went out onto the front lawn and sat down on the grass with this beautiful book with this huge, powerful flying man-horse on the cover and...devoured it. It was so completely different from any "kids book" I'd read up to then--complex and challenging and just bizarre. When I finished it I said "I don't know if I understand anything that just happened, but that was cool."

Still is.

Here's a photo of the woman behind the tesseract, Madeline L'Engle. I'm not sure if this is her office or another part of her home, but she has what I see are the two best possessions writers can count: a great big bookshelf, and a comfy chair.

"You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. 
What you say is completely up to you."
A Wrinkle in Time, 1962

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