
Friday, March 2, 2012

Wrap Up: Beautiful Bread Edition

Ohmygosh you guys.

Remember last week, my No-Knead Bread experiment?

I have the results:

That came from my oven!!! It was soooo amazing--a crunchy, crispy crust, the interior light as air, a heavenly smell... I couldn't believe that I had made it myself! I now see no reason to ever buy bread again, it was that amazing. Since this first loaf, I've made two others, equally as easy and delicious, and I've decided to schedule it into weekly cooking: a new loaf every Sunday and Wednesday night. This means Saturdays and Tuesdays I have to prep the dough, but since that takes all of ten minutes, it's really no biggie, and we're guaranteed fresh bread twice a week. Seriously, No-Knead Bread has changed my life. Go. Bake. Eat.

In less delicious, but as satisfying, news, here are the blog posts this week that I found especially interesting:

Rachelle Gardner explains why it's important to know your competition

Mary Kole talks about obstacles in YA, and what makes an obstacle believable or just frustrating to the reader

At BookEnds Literary, Jessica looks at book promotion, what it involves and how it can (or can't) impact sales or increase readership

YA Confidential hosts a chat with teen readers about how relationships, sex, and intimacy are portrayed in YA

Nathan Bransford asks whether publishers have a public perception problem

Over at The Indelibles, author Lisa Nowak talks about writing YA boy books, the difficulty they face, and how to promote YA to boy readers. She's also putting together a promotional group for YA boy books and asks any writers, teachers, or librarians interested to contact her

Publishers Weekly takes a closer look at famous book titles and their poetic origins

Janet Reid is looking for the next great debut author in the Liz Norris Pay It Forward Writing Contest. If you're an unpublished author with a full-length novel, you can enter to win a basket of great prizes, including entry to the Backspace Writing Conference and lunch with Liz Norris's agent.

Agent Joana Volpe talks about the changing role of the literary agent, why agents still matter, and how they can best serve their clients

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