
Friday, March 9, 2012

Wrap Up: Cadbury Creme Egg Edition

I want to blow up this picture and hang it in my house
Oh man, Cadbury Creme Eggs... I know, I know, you're probably one of the millions of creme egg detractors, aren't you? The ones who say they're too sweet and sugary or who are still mad that they've shrunk over the years? But for me, there is nothing like heaven in a creme egg, and I simply can't wait for that blissful stretch of time when they're available in stores (every year I try to save some in my freezer to get me through the 9-month creme egg desert, every year I get maybe a month out before they're all eaten).

After a long week, I'm looking forward to kicking back with some creme eggs and enjoying the (one hour shorter!) weekend. But before I head off into my sugar-induced coma, here are this week's top blog posts:

Peter Brantley at PW talks about the e-book price hike at Random House and the impact it could have on libraries and communities

As the hype for Bitterblue grows, I loved seeing Kristin Cashore's photo of all the different versions of the manuscripts

Rachelle Gardner continues her look at authors and social media. This week? Photo-quote-thoughtboard site Pintrest

Amanda Hannah at YA Highway discusses diversity in writing, why authors shy away from diversity and why it's important for readers. And Amy Lukavics leads a discussion in how critical reading impacts writing.

Writer's Block! Veronica Roth tackles the beast

Mary Kole covers character details: the ones that matter and the ones that don't

Over at QueryTracker, Jane Lebak discusses how to develop an ear for your character's voice and language

Will self-pup be the next Internet bubble? Nathan Bransford gives a resounding no.

Via Finding Wonderful, Indiana authors are banding together to raise funds and collect books to help libraries and schools in Henryville, IN after tornadoes devastated the town

Vickie Motter breaks down why it's so important to have three-dimensional characters, especially when pitching your story in a query or synopsis

Elle Strauss of The Indelibles proclaims her love for stand-alone books and asks why trilogies can't still have endings

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back!

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