
Friday, April 20, 2012

Wrap Up: April Showers/Pretty Flowers Edition

Good news! This morning, an email appeared in my inbox letting me know that my books can be picked up from the library*! Bad news? It is raining and the library is far away and we have no car...

We've been lucky so far avoiding rain, but we're in for a wet weekend, which I will probably spend staring out the window, hoping for sunshine so I can go get my books. In fact, the only good thing about the rain is that the gardens along my street likely will be even prettier than they are (thanks, green-thumbed neighbors!). Seeing as we live on the fourth floor, I don't have a little garden (except for our indoor plants**), but I did get to enjoy some pretty spring flowers, courtesy the husband.

Doh. Pretty, pretty...

All right, let's get on to the show: this week's best blog posts!

Rachelle Gardner pretty much swept my links list this week, with three (!!!) great blog posts. First up, are you in this for the long haul? An outlook on the publishing landscape of today and tomorrow. And tips on how to title your book.

As several writing conferences open registration, Rachel Kent gives suggestions on how to prepare and get the most out of conferences

Strange Chemistry (the YA division of publisher Angry Robot) is taking open-door manuscript submissions. Find out more details here!

The big news this week: the Pultizer jury decided not to award a prize in fiction (and people are mad). Here's a breakdown of what happened

Bookseller Rachel Kent talks trends and gives some thoughts on what might be popular next in YA

Also at Publishing Crawl, Biljana Likic discusses authors who jump genres and why readers tend not to follow

L.B. Grant covers character voice and has some thoughts to keep in mind when crafting voice

Finally, why do old books smell?

And one more pretty flower picture... Have a good weekend!

*The Fault in Our Stars, Delirium, Miss Peregine's Home for Unusual Children, and Anna and the French Kiss. It's a book bonanza!

**The peace lily, rosemary, two teeeeeny cacti, and the basil twins. I was told I couldn't have a kitten, so I take out my obsessive-owner instincts on our plants. LOOK AT THIS PICTURE OF THEM AREN'T THEY SO ADORABLE!!!

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