
Friday, April 13, 2012

Wrap Up: Fancy Nails Edition

Yesterday, completely bored, run down by allergies, and fighting off a headache, I took a break from work and painted my nails. I am usually pretty terrible at nail-painting, especially when I try to be fancy, but I love my results!

They were inspired by this tutorial at pretty.pretty.paper (her nails pretty much blow mine out of the water...), and are easy to do, even for a polish-illiterate person like myself.

Basically, paint the base (here I used essie's "absolutely shore"), let dry and paint with a top coat (I use Revlon's "extra life no chip top coat"). When it's completely dry--I waited a few hours, cut out small squares of painters tape and cover the ends of your nails, so there's a little triangle pattern on it. Use your second color (I used a grey I mixed up myself) and paint the exposed portion. Pull off the tape, give it another coat of top coat, and you're done!

Here's a close-up, where you can see even more clearly all the little mistakes I made. Whoops.

With my new paint job I'm ready for the weekend, but first! Here's this week's blog wrap-up!

Via Galleycat, the American Library Association posted its list of the top ten most-challenged books of 2011. Check it out if you enjoy grumbling about censorship and the phrase "unsuitable for age group"

With self-pub only growing more popular, Rachelle Gardner discusses why authors might want to stick with traditional publishers. She also gives some tips on writing several manuscripts before seeking publication

The Atlantic posted its list of the best heroines in YA (what what Francie Nolan!), and Tor, respectfully, offered a rebuttal

RIP BooksEnds blog! Before she rode off into the sunset, Jessica gave her thoughts about publishers (and agents) who take risks on projects they love

Jodi Meadows at Pub Crawl talks about the possibilities of genre mashing and why it's so appealing to writers and readers

The DOJ suit of the publishers and Apple for allegedly colluding on e-book prices is going ahead. I won't pretend to know everything that's going on, but Maureen Johnson does a great job of giving a primer on the issues and Nathan Bransford once again writes an excellent summary of what's happening and where things will go from here

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