
Friday, April 6, 2012

Wrap Up: Opening Day Edition

Phew! This has been a busy (and productive!) week! I finally crashed through the barrier of writer's block to start work on a new project, I just about finished a veeeery lengthy illustration commission, and today we wrap up my two-week crazy countdown of my favorite YA characters! Sigh... I have never been so happy to reach Friday...

Of course, there's another reason that I'm very happy it's Friday: Opening Day!

Oooh baseball... Did you know the Yankees won't come out to Chicago until August! What am I supposed to do until then?!

Anyway, on to this week's wrap up!:

Veronica Roth, whose Insurgent will hit bookshelves soon, wrote a brave and thoughtful piece this week about sexual assault in YA and her own regrets at including a moment of sexual assault in Divergent

Maureen Johnson comments on the New York Times article last week about parents paying for their kids to be published (she says, in a word: no)

Mary Kole discusses relationships and romance in YA, why they seem to be so physically-driven, and what authors can do to make them feel more realistic

Over at Publishing Crawl, which POV is right for you?

Author Katie Ganshert discusses finding the sweet spot between great writing and a great story

Rachelle Gardner talks about writing in multiple genres and argues for authors sticking to just one genre to grow their audiences and improve their skills

Mandy Hubbard presents an extremely detailed (with diagrams!) look at how she scheduled a week of editor visits on her recent trip to New York
At Books & Such, Mary Keeley gives three tips for how to become unstuck while writing

And finally, I leave you with Hipster Games (based on this, like, really obscure book? You probably haven't heard of it)

Don't forget to check back later today to see the winner of the YA Character Championship!

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