
Friday, April 27, 2012

Wrap Up: Puffed Pancakes Edition

It's Friday! It's Friday? Where did the week get to?!

Today's Wrap Up comes courtesy of one of my favorite meals ever: puffed pancakes with blueberry compote and fresh whipped cream.

Oh man! I make these suckers every Sunday morning for me and the husband, and it is just the best time of the week, relaxed, cozy, Meet the Press on the background, a pot of tea warming on the table. It's the best!

Last Saturday night right before bed I was bouncing up and down and when the husband asked what was going on, I said, "Puffed pancakes tomorrow!" Too. Excited. To. Sleep.

Was it just me, or was the blog-o-sphere a little light this week? In any case, it's a quick wrap-up today, but if you're interested in recreating pancake heaven, stick around and I'll post the recipes at the end.

This post seemed made for the Internet, Rachelle Gardner's How to Train Your Muse Like You Train a Puppy (puppies!)

From Publisher's Weekly, 100 books with title that begin The Man Who...

I didn't quite agree with Michael Ann Dobbs' assessment on io9 that YA dystopian fiction is like YA historical fiction, but it's a good read nonetheless

Author Mike Duran takes to Rachelle Gardner's blog to discuss whether authors should be held responsible for the things their characters say

As promised, recipes!

I got the pancake recipe from the oh-so-adorable blog Rockstar Diaries. Here's the post where she gives the recipe. I made a few changes, though. The recipe says to let the butter melt in a 9" pan while the oven is preheating (which I took to mean you stick the pan with the butter into the oven) but I found that this caused the butter to burn. Typically what I do is just grease the pan and stick it in the oven to warm. Also, the husband prefers making the pancakes in an 8" pan (they're a little thicker and more pancake rather than crepe-like); if you want to make it in the smaller pan, add 2-3 minutes to the cook time. And finally, the recipe makes just one pancake, so keep that in mind if you need to double or triple it.

For the blueberry compote (makes enough for 2-3 people):
1 cup rinsed blueberries, stems and soft berries picked out
4 teaspoons water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

Combine half the blueberries with the water, sugar, and lemon juice in a pot over low-medium heat
Cook for 10 minutes (it should not get too bubbly)
Add the rest of the blueberries and cook for 8 minutes, stirring frequently
Serve warm
Note: if you have leftover blueberry liquid (the compote will be nice and gooey), you can keep it for sundae toppings or mix in with a little syrup to make blueberry syrup!

Fresh whipped cream is one of my favorite toppings--tastes amazing and adds a wonderful texture and elegance to the pancakes (yes, my pancakes are very elegant). Just pour some heavy cream into a bowl (I usually do about 1/2 cup) and whip the hell out of it (you can use stand mixer, too). About halfway through, add a little sugar (around a teaspoon or two), and continue beating until peaks form.

That's it! Enjoy!


  1. Yum!!!!!

    Hey, new follower here. Came by to say thanks for following my blog and reciprocate! Glad to be connected! :D

    1. Welcome and thanks for the re-follow! Your blog looks great :)
