
Monday, April 2, 2012

YA Character Championship Round 6: Let's Hear it for the Classics

We're reaching the home stretch of the YA Character Championship! Today is the last day before we head into the semi-finals, with the final winner announced this Friday!

Today, the big story is the classic characters trouncing the newbies, as Harry Potter, Lyra, and Catherine (Called Birdy) win their rounds against professional survivalist Katsa, the sea-horse-whisperer Sean Kendrick, and WWII sketcher Lina.

In the final battle for today, Liesel defeats Joey from War Horse, a result of hard lobbying by the biggest fan this bracket has, my mom.*

Here's your Round 6 bracket!:

Things get real tomorrow, as we enter into our final battles. I used a random number generator to come up with the schedule for this week's events and they are:

Tuesday: Alaska versus Cameron and Liesel versus Catherine
Wednesday:  Harry versus Lyra and Katniss versus Tris
Thursday: the Fantasy winner versus the Contemporary winner and the Sci-Fi winner versus the Historical winner

Get ready, and get voting!

*I present, complete and unabridged, the email she sent me:
"How can you possibly have a horse beat Liesel?!  Granted, she committed a crime or two but they were crimes of passion – passion for books, no less!  She had to take that book from the grave site  – she had lost her brother – she had nothing to hold on to – books were her only salvation.  And was she really stealing from the Mayor’s wife?  Who leaves a window open and a plate of cookies for a thief?  It was more entrapment than crime.  I vote for Liesel to the end!"

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