
Friday, May 18, 2012

Wrap Up: Blueberry Pie Edition

It's pie-baking time! This is my favorite blueberry pie, with the recipe from The New Best Recipe (aka the Cooks Illustrated cookbook). It's seen me through housewarming parties and potluck dinners and is the dessert that converted me to Team Pie (for now...).

But before I go off baking, here are this week's blog posts!

Via Galleycat, publishing house Weldon Owen presents the "How a Book is Born" flow chart (hint: be a celebrity)

From K.M. Weiland, how to tell you're a genre-flipper, and why readers don't appreciate sudden mid-book shifts in genre

Lit Agent Mary Kole is on the lookout for interns! If you're interested, you can check out more info here

Writer Julie Eshaugh talks about how to reveal character through details and gives some great examples of small details that can show a lot

Author Kristin Cashore writes an ode to independent bookstores with some fabulous photos that show just why the indies are so awesome (loved the table of books labeled "Serious girls with floating hair")

Rachelle Gardner discusses how the rise of e-books may very well lead to the demise of book covers

On YA Highway, Veronica Roth (whose Insurgent hit #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List) gives some background into how bestseller lists operate and what they mean for authors and publishers

Awesome post by Kate Hart breaking down 2011 YA covers based on color, model, race, and sex--a very clear indicator of the lack of diversity and creativity that plagues YA covers

Loved this! Flavorwire presents photos of famous authors in silly poses

Author Leigh Bardugo walks us through the process of choosing a title and gives some background on how she settled on her latest title, Shadow and Bone

I always like reminders that writing is a Serious Occupation that could lead to Bodily Harm. From writer and licensed massage therapist Angela Carlie, tips to avoid back and neck pain while writing and reading

And finally, the children's book community lost a beloved figure this week with the death of author Jean Craighead George. I was a huge fan of her wolf books when I was young. In fact, cleaning out my old laptop, I recently found a sixth grade book report of Julie's Wolf Pack, about which I said this: "I loved it so much because it told about the changing Alaska and survival of the wolves.  It was very descriptive and I liked hearing the Yupik words." Truth.


  1. Wow! Thanks for all the info. You just gave me a ton of articles to read :)

    1. Glad to help! It's a weekly feature, so you can check back every Friday afternoon to get a new list of posts
