
Friday, May 11, 2012

Wrap Up: Mom Edition

Today's Friday Wrap Up is brought to you in honor of the most faithful reader of this blog: my mom. This is one of my favorite pictures of us, taken on my wedding right before we left for the church (you can't really see how awesome my mom's dress is, suffice to say, it ain't your typical mother-of-the-bride get up).

On to this week's posts!

Vanessa DiGregorio has a helpful list of some great new YA hitting the bookshelves this month

A helpful hint from Mary Kole about how to write scenes that will stick in your readers' heads

Another great take-down from Elizabeth Fama about great covers gone bad

Rachelle Gardner looks at one of the downsides to the self-pub bubble: books hitting the market before they're ready

Super-helpful post from YA Highway about how to build your own series bible

This post is a must-read from Nathan Bransford: how to keep writing when your personal life is in turmoil. He also has another excellent overview of how this new technological world will impact publishing, from editors to houses to writers

K.M. Weiland gives some helpful pointers on the difference between talking down to your readers versus confusing them with too much ambiguity

Author G.G. Vandagriff suggests diving into character development when your writing gets stalled

Writer Vahini Naidoo talks a closer look at strong female characters--what do they mean and why they're important

Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

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