
Monday, June 4, 2012

Writing Spaces: Summer Hours are Starting

The beach office chair is back! I have some vacation and a lot of traveling coming up in the next few weeks, so things will be a little lighter post-wise over at the blog.

Right now it looks like I'll stick to updating just the Thursday Quick Reviews and will save the Monday Writing Spaces, Wednesday writing reflections, and Friday Wrap Up posts until early or mid July.

I'm really looking forward to heading back to the east coast this summer to visit family and celebrate happy events (two baptisms, five weddings!).

And I'm also looking forward to taking a writing break. As much as I love this work, I have to remind myself that it's important to give myself some time to clear out the cobwebs, step back, and let my brain relax for a bit.

In the meantime, check back on Thursdays to see what I'm reading (the Chicago e-library added over 100 new YA titles, so basically summer reading = set), and have a great summer!

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