
Monday, September 17, 2012

Cybils Love

I am beYOND thrilled to announce that I'll be judging YA Fiction for the Cybils this year! Last year, I enjoyed following the Cybils discussions (and oohing and aahing over the winners, of course), and I'm incredibly humbled (also: minorly terrified) to be a part of things this year.

This means I'll be reading more, talking more about books, and may very well have a nervous breakdown come judging time (wheeee!).

You can check out my fellow judges here, and keep reading the Cybils blog for more info on nominating your favorites!


  1. WOW! What a wonderful honor! And WHAT A LOT OF WORK! They couldn't have picked a better person.

  2. Oh, congrats! That's super-exciting.
