
Friday, September 28, 2012

Wrap Up: I Miss Boston Edition

This picture of a very lovely tree in New England was taken at the start of my senior year of college, 5 years and six days ago, which, more than anything, just makes me feel OLD. But the second thing it makes me feel is a deep longing to return to Boston. Boston just does fall right. Cider in every store, window displays full of big, bright, warm sweaters, and the leaves, people, the leaves!

I know it's all trickery, designed to keep New Englanders happy and complacent and saying things like "This really is the greatest place to live! Why don't more people move out here?" before, you know, this happens. But every year, I fall for it...

Let's get to this week's posts!:

J.K. Rowling's first book since Harry Potter, The Casual Vacancy, hit bookstores this week, which meant the usually-private author has been doing a swath of interviews. Here are some of my favorites, from The Guardian, The New Yorker, and the BBC.

K.M. Weiland talks about endings and beginnings and how to structure your story so that they connect with each other. She also discusses the pros and cons of multiple POVs.

Flavorwire counts down the 10 scariest ghosts in literature 

From Galleycat, publishers Carolrhoda Books and Poisoned Pen Press are seeking YA manuscripts. They also take a closer look at Google's outreach to writers and readers

At PubCrawl, Susan Dennard talks about micro and macro in Show-don't-Tell

From Tor, little known facts about The Princess Bride on its 25th anniversary 

Next week kicks off Banned Book Week! The bloggers at YA Confidential post a discussion about banning books, why it happens, and what authors (and readers) can do about it

One more thing