
Friday, October 26, 2012

Wrap Up: Along Came a Spider Edition

For several weeks, this charming lady* made her home just outside our apartment, against the glass of our door to nowhere. We named her Chuck and would watch her rebuild her web every night (which was awesome). It was almost like having a very small pet who had no idea of your existence! Sadly, Chuck disappeared one day (probably bird breakfast, but I like to imagine her running around on farm somewhere upstate), but not before I managed to snap a few, Halloweeny photos of her.

And now, to the Halloweeny blog posts!

From Janet Reid, some wonderful writing tips from every tween's favorite horror writer, R.L. Stein

More great horror advice from Barry Lyga

Rachelle Gardner discusses author blogs and why an author might decide not to blog. She also reminds writers that it's more important than ever to master your craft

At Publishing Crawl, Kat Zhang breaks down book events from an author's perspective, Jordan Hamessley London gives us a day in the life of a children's book editor, and Mandy Hubbard talks about the role of an acquisitions editor

All week, Tor featured great classic ghost stories from writers including Edith Wharton and Mark Twain

via Nathan Bransford, a wonderful essay from LaTanya McQueen about writing, rejection, and how you ever know if you're good enough

Have a great weekend!

*For you arachnophiles out there, Chuck was a common orb weaver spider, about the size of a quarter. And we miss her terribly.

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