
Friday, October 19, 2012

Wrap Up: Pumpkin Carving Edition

The blog's getting ready to celebrate Halloween! Starting next Monday, I'll be running special Halloween-themed content, leading up to the Second Annual Literary Halloween Costume Roundup (SALHCR)!

But first, this week's posts:

Vanessa DiGregorio discusses the state of the book industry and wonders if the rumors of the industry's demise have been greatly exaggerated

Rachelle Gardner talks about authors needing thick skin and how to manage inevitable criticisms and setbacks. She also puts together a great guide to the different kinds of edits a book will need

Via YA Highway, a countdown of ten haunted libraries in the US

Nathan Bransford reminds writers that ideas aren't sacred

I literally cannot believe that NaNoWriMo is less than two weeks away! Over at Galleycat, they offer the first NaNo advice of the season: how to prep yourself and build your writing survival kit

Great post from Kristin Halbrook about the sophomore slump and what authors can expect when thinking about and writing their second books

One more thing

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