
Friday, November 30, 2012

Wrap Up: Chalkboard Edition

I am frankly shocked that I've gone this long without talking about what is possibly my favorite feature of the apartment: our lovely chalkboard wall. We (I) painted it when we first moved in, but it normally doesn't get much use beyond listing groceries (for the past six months, I used it to draw a large-scale map of the setting for my latest book).

This is what I drew last year for Christmas, after a minor bout of depression due to our fireplace-less apartment. This year, I'm truly embracing the Christmas chalkboard spirit and challenging myself to do a different Christmas drawing every day (starting tomorrow, I'll be blogging about it!).

On to this week's posts!

Happy end of NaNoWriMo! My crit partner, Natasha, took up the NaNo challenge and despite a hurricane, blizzard, no electricity, and three young boys managed to get her 50k words done early. Amazing, this woman.

Galleycat finishes up its NaNo tips today, but I think we could all benefit from this one: have a literary drink

Rachelle Gardner made me laugh with her post asking if you've ever hated a book so much that you threw it across the room

David Gaughran looks at Simon & Schuster's new self-pubbing branch, Author Solutions, which has had some shady dealings with authors and been accused of ripping off authors

It's your last day to vote for the Nerdy Book Club Awards!

One more thing 

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