
Friday, November 9, 2012

Wrap Up: Fall Leaves Edition

I have the prettiest maple tree right outside my window, which allows me to enjoy the wonder of the changing seasons without, y'know, going outside. This picture, of the setting sun turning the red leaves even redder, was taken last year, since this year instead of the leaves going from green to yellow to orange to red, they went from green to less green to shriveled up and brown.

Anyone know what that means? Crazy winter ahead? What do the trees know that we don't?!?!

On to this week's best posts!

An article by Sarah Mesle in the Los Angeles Review of Books caused quite a stir yesterday. Mesle's essay, titled "YA Fiction and the End of Boys," suggests that YA fiction these days does a disservice to boys and fails to teach them to be strong, brave, confident men. I suggest you read the whole article and then check out these excellent rebuttals from Kristin Halbrook, Saundra Mitchell, and Phoebe North

Veronica Roth has started a new series of how-tos on her blog, walking readers through her revision process for Book 3 of the Divergent series. Here's Day 1 and Day 2

Vanessa DiGregorio puts together yet another great list of this month's YA releases

GalleyCat is continuing its tradition of NaNo writing tips. Check out this link to see this week's!

It's something we all should know, but a little reminder never hurt: Rachelle Gardner offers 13 tips on how to communicate politely and professionally. She also has a great post on why, even though things in publishing might be a bit uncertain now, it's not a reason for despair

Nathan Bransford also comments on the future of publishing in digital age and declares that the publishing industry doesn't need special protection

The aftershocks of the Penguin Random House merger will no doubt continue to rock through the industry. Via Writers Beware, here's what the Authors Guild had to say about it

Rachel Kent talks about how to research when you can't experience what you're writing

Loved this: via GalleyCat, a couple who turned their collection of Penguin-cover postcards into a beautiful piece of literary art!

From Publishers Weekly, a look at who has the better covers: US or UK?

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