
Friday, December 7, 2012

Wrap Up: Grinchy Edition

Last week I talked about my beloved chalkboard wall and mentioned a new project I was starting: drawing a different Christmas mural on the wall every day of December until Christmas. I am pleased to say it's going swimmingly!

Here's one of my favorite murals: How the Grinch Stole Christmas. And there's more (lots lots more) on my new blog: It's a Christmas Muralcle!

Many of this week's posts talked about the aftermath of NaNoWriMo, with December (unofficially) National Novel Editing Month (NoNoEdMo?)

Kristin Cashore, author of the Graceling series, gave an inside look at how she wrote and edited her latest novel, Bitterblue

YA Highway had some great posts to help get you into the editing feeling, including "So You Have 50,000 Words--Now What?" and this perspective on editing from agents

Publishing Crawl asked writers what they learned from NaNo, offered some great resources on finding a critique partner, and gave some advice on how to stay organized and focused when tacking revisions

Also at Publishing Crawl, Vanessa DiGregorio discusses the YA releases this month

From Rachelle Gardner, a great post on how to know if your writing is any good

Don't underestimate the rumblings of New Adult! Galleycat says readership is exploding on Goodreads

The New York Times announced that it has changed the format for the children's best-sellers list, adding some slots and splitting into Middle Grade and Young Adult. John Green (with two books on the new list!) gives a snapshot of what they look like, and Michael Bourret offers some interesting perspective on what it means.

From Publisher's Weekly, 15 weird Christmas books

Very interesting discussion over at Tor on "historically authentic" sexism in fantasy

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