
Friday, February 8, 2013

Wrap Up: I'm a Good Egg Edition

It's almost Valentine's Day, and I'm celebrating with another series of chalkboard drawings, this time focusing on sweet and silly vintage Valentines (you can check out the rest here).

It's a short Wrap Up today, mostly because the aforementioned craziness has pretty much eaten my life this week. To fill things out a little more, I also included a few fun and interesting links I found from outside the world of YA. Enjoy, and for those on the East Coast, stay safe and warm and get some reading done!

Always so fascinated by this stuff: Penguin art director Giuseppe Castellano discusses how he works with editorial to design book covers

The Someday My Printz Will Come blog has a wrap-up of last week's Printz Award winner and honors

Cupid's Literary Connection, one of my favorite writing blogs and a must for writers looking for something more than the traditional querying process, is holding a kissing scene competition for Valentines!

E-Reading site NetGalley is offering excepts from some of the most-buzzed books of 2013, including a few great YA picks

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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