
Friday, February 1, 2013

Wrap Up: When Is It Spring? Edition

It's negative degrees again outside, after a week where I also went for a run in hail, calmed the rent-a-dog after lightning, and left the house in a t-shirt, complaining about the humidity (what global warming?). So, I find myself thinking longingly of spring...and pretty flowers...and warm breezes...and...sunshine...sigh.....

All right! Let's get to this week's posts!

Loved this post via Rachelle Gardner asking if the writing life is worth all the stress and rejection

Jennifer, a librarian, takes a look at the Cybils winners list and discusses what books she will and will not buy (and why)

It's tax season, and Querytracker put together some tips to help writers with their taxes

Obvious all over this: from Janet Reid, clean desk or messy desk?

More debate on New Adult, this time from Publishing Crawl

From Publishers Weekly, an interview with the winners of the Newberry, Caldecott, and Printz about what it was like to hear "the call"

Have a great weekend!

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