
Friday, March 1, 2013

Wrap Up: Gimme Paw Edition

I swear this isn't going to turn into the All-Abby Blog, but I am so proud of my little pup and how far she's come in the few days since we've had her that I thought I'd make today's Wrap Up an Abby edition. Here she is showing off a new trick she learned, and for a dog that on Sunday was supposedly completely untrained and not housebroken (total accidents: 1), I think she's doing pretty well.*

This week's posts!

YA Highway has a terrific post about the difference between deadlines and time limits, and why when you put a time limit on something, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment

YA Confidential put together a great roundtable of teen readers, who shared their thoughts about female sexuality in YA

Over at Books and Such, in the rise of self-publishing, will the traditional publisher become a prestige brand?

The nominees for the Bram Stoker Awards for best horror novels are out, and Galleycat has links to free samples

Mark Corker, founder of self-pub distributor Smashwords, and Michael Pitsch, soon-to-be CEO of Hachette, talk with NPR about the future of publishing

Agent Kristen Nelson offers her writing tip of the week!

*The janky belt leash is not her normal leash, which she chewed into 8 different pieces yesterday. We have a replacement outside leash and are temporarily using this indoor leash (the belt parts are removed and secured, the leash is attached to her collar with a regular dog leash clasp).

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