
Friday, March 15, 2013

Wrap Up: St Paddy's Day Edition

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

I made the Guinness cake above a few years ago, back when I actually used to bake cakes from mixes (the foam was chocolate with vanilla icing, the stout vice-versa). Since then, I've upped my game and am already planning some boozy doozies for a party tomorrow night: whisky-soaked dark chocolate cupcakes with amaretto buttercream frosting and a chocolate cup inside to fill with Bailey's and take a shot. Because what else says celebration of Irish culture with triple-liquor baked goods?!

On to this week's wrap up:

Publishing Crawl did a week of posts based on the theme Pay It Forward in honor of Poison, the debut novel of  Bridget Zinn, who sadly passed away before she got to see her book published. They're all great posts, but some of my favorites were about books that inspire, mentors, and teachers and librarians.

Publishers Weekly has more about Bridget, with a link to a starred PW review and an explanation of how Poison came to light

Nathan Bransford is self-publishing a writing guide and calling for suggested topics. He also had a great post about calmness in the age of digital distraction

Galleycat offers some tips on how writers can use tumblr

via Kristen Nelson, Agent Catch Phrase Bingo!

Have a great weekend!

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