
Friday, March 22, 2013

Wrap Up: Sunflowers Edition

After this week's marathon of freezing temperatures, these are probably the only kind of Spring flowers we're likely to see around here. I did this drawing on my infamous chalkboard wall (more pictures here!), and it's been lovely getting a little burst of color every time I turn a corner in my apartment.

This week's blog posts!:

Gemma Cooper from The Bent Agency discusses her upcoming trip to the Bologna Book Fair and what she (and other agents) have to look forward to

Rachelle Gardner did a two-part series on everyone's favorite subject: how to make a living as a writer. Part 1 is here, and Part 2 is here

My agent-sibling Katie Quirk gives some insight into the inspiration for her YA novel, A Girl Called Problem

Publetariat talks about Kickstarting a book, what it costs and what they wish they had done differently

K.M. Weiland offers advice on how to keep developing your character: what's the very worst thing that could happen to them?

Kristin Nelson's top 2 reasons why she passes on sample pages should really be called "two things that kill your opening"

Love love love this--Nathan Bransford is starting a "Thank a Writer" project

One more thing.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the freezing-cold sunshine!

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