
Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Blog Wrap Up: Christmas Trees Edition!

It's officially December, which means I can set up our first Christmas tree, draw some stockings on our chalkboard wall, and stop sneaking Christmas carols on Spotify!

It also means that NaNoWriMo is over! How did everyone do? Galleycat reported that this year, writers produced more than three billion words--amazing! But don't forget that December is unofficially National Edit a Novel Month. For those getting started on editing, Lifehacker put together some great tips and tricks for editing your novel.

This week, bloggers seemed to make up for the holidays with a slew of interesting posts on publishing, agenting, editing, and writing:

Rachelle Gardner had a thoughtful post about being "called" to write, and the ups and downs that go along with that. She also encouraged readers to buy books for Christmas gifts! And had an enlightening run down of her typical agent's day.

Sarah Baughman at Write It Sideways talks about conferences and five reasons to sign up

Mary Kole at discusses revision, with and without an agent

Ash Krafton covers the "numbers game" of writing, with a breakdown of common publishing statistics as well as links to some funny "10 Ways to..." posts 

Elissa Schappell at Vanity Fair discusses "genre-bending," how lately breakout books have been combining and melding genres

Suzie Townsend at Confessions of a Wandering Heart gives us part II of her query contest advice: figure out what'll make your book stand out in a pack of similar queries

BookEnds Literary Agency is running their Bookmas Giveaway! Check out their blog for information about how you can win books this Christmas

Diane Bradey of Bloomberg Businessweek profiles author Laura Schechter's Paper Lantern Lit, a book-development company which has so far sold more than 20 young adult novels

Sara Megibow at Pub Rants talks about the new book out from one of her clients, Miranda Kenneally, and how it paid off when Miranda wrote "the book of her heart" rather than chasing trends

Jessica Papin at Dystel & Goderich posts about the difficult moment for agents and writers when they realize a book won't sell

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