
Monday, December 5, 2011

Writing Spaces Monday: A Dickensian Christmas

Spotify Christmas Radio is playing, Chicago looks as grey and dismal as a graveyard, and my apartment has a lovely pine smell, which can only mean it's getting to be Christmas!

I'll be posting a few Christmas-related posts in the coming week, but I wanted to kick things off with one of my favorite Christmas writers, Charles Dickens:

Here he is hard at work, and here's another view of his desk:

Every year I try to load up on as much Christmas media as possible (my favorite discovery: the She & Him Christmas album--Zoey Deschanelle and lovely, bluesy Christmas carols), and A Christmas Carol ranks up there with the best. If you'd like to read it yourself, you can check it out here, thanks to the magic of the internets.

Enjoy the rest of the week, and here's hoping your office is nicer than Bob Cratchit's:

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