
Friday, January 27, 2012

Wrap Up: NYC Edition

Photo of a sunset last summer in my old neighborhood, Astoria.
Don't know why, but Astoria just had a knack for the most perfectly beautiful sunsets...

Hello, folks! Today's blog wrap-up might be a bit out of date, as I wrote it a day early because today, right now, as you read this, I'm currently in New York City for the SCBWI Winter Conference (you too? say hi!).

I am ridiculously excited to be back in New York, which will forever be "the city" to me and which was my home sweet home for several years after college. I have the kind of love for it that can only exist when you can navigate the subways with ease and know which Shake Shack is the best (UWS, duh). I still harbor a not-so-secret desire to move back there some day, although I do admit I'm happy to not have to sell organs to pay for apartment rent.

Anyway, since this wrap-up was put together on Thursday, I'm missing today's posts. Feel free to update in the comments!

Literary Rambles has a fun interview with a 7th grade teacher and some of her students about what kids are reading these days and what grabs their attention. There's also a giveaway of Wildwood, a new MG from Colin Meloy (singer/songwriter for the Decemberists).

The Quivering Pen has a post by writer Nancy Bilyeau about her first writing teachers and how they've shaped her technique and career

Author K.M. Weiland shares an essay on The Artist's Road about how to think critically of your own work

Rachelle Gardner discusses the green-eyed monster in publishing and how to deal with thoughts of jealousy and use them to push yourself to work harder

Publisher's Weekly put together a feature on the books that inspire the most tattoos, and I couldn't believe what ended up being number 1. Who knew that literature lovers and tattoo aficionados ran in the same circles?

Via Swiss Miss, a print by Paul Octavious perfect for book-lovers, perfect for Valentine's Day

Via Operation Awesome, author Maggie Stiefvater goes over pages from the rough draft and final version of her latest novel, pointing out what changes she made and why. She also invited 10 other authors to do the same

Very cool interview on the Rejectionist with author Kate Zambreno on "literatures of the girl:" fiction that discusses the feminine experience and issues relating to women, gender, and sexuality

Agent Kristin Nelson discusses the Association of Authors' Representatives' take on agents and epublishing. It's an interesting look at the ethical gray area that's emerging with the popularity of epubs, and no doubt it's only going to get more complicated

If I've missed anything, feel free to leave a note in the comments, and I hope I'll see some of you at SCBWI!

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