
Monday, January 30, 2012

Writing Spaces: Go, go, GO!

I had a great, great time in New York this weekend, hearing all sorts of fabulous speakers at the SCBWI Conference, visiting all my old East Coast friends, and enjoying some delicious New York dining.

I've been thinking a lot about the things I heard at the conference, which I'm sure will be fodder for some future blog posts, but if you missed the conference, there's a great photo tumblr with some pictures from the weekend (including a surprise appearance by none other than the Fonz).

It's was lots of fun and I heartily encourage you to check out future SCBWI conferences, either one of the two big annual ones (the summer one is in LA!) or a local one held by a regional chapter.

After spending my weekend traveling, today's writing space feels especially appropriate (aside from being just a big ole bucket of WANT):

Why yes, that is is cherry-red vintage Vespa transformed into a writing desk/laptop stand!

Found via Mashable, this little beauty was built by an Australian blogger from the TV show Reinventing Wheels. I lo-o-o-ove it.

Dave has always begged me to go Vespa-riding, especially when we went to Italy for our honeymoon, where these things roam the streets like someone upended a bag of Skittles onto the highway. But, since homeboy can't even bike ride without breaking something (on the bike, not in himself), I've never given him my blessing. This seems like a good compromise, as the creator put it, "the feeling of riding a Vespa without the helmet hair."

Mashable has a great little video about the Vespa desk, and check out the Reinventing Wheels blog for more photos.

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