
Friday, March 30, 2012

Wrap Up: Green Shoots Edition

We were delighted to come home from vacation and see that the beloved tree outside our window had finally sprouted some little green shoots! Even though we've been turned into sniffly, sneezely messes, it's lovely to see some green outside our windows again.

This was a busy week in blogging! Let's get down to the posts:

The big news in kids literature this week was the arrival of the Harry Potter e-books! Nathan Bransford takes a look at why the Potter model for selling e-books is revolutionary and why other authors won't adopt it (and can I just say, while I often miss Nathan-the-agent, I am loving Nathan-the-tech-guy-who-can-also-explain-publishing)

Several agents wrapped up their trips to the Bologna Children's Book Fair. Mary Kole discussed how the foreign rights' demands have affected what she's looking for in the slush. Joanna Volpe breaks down just what an agent does at the book fair and why it matters. And Kristin Nelson makes an argument for bringing authors to Bologna.

Rachelle Gardner had a three-part series on how to make a living as a writer. Part one covers amping up volume, while part two discusses variety. Part three takes a look at the challenges writers face making a living off their work.

Those following agent Janet Reid this week know that she's been having a sort of slow-motion nervous breakdown as the result of reading 400+ entries as part of the Liz Norris Pay It Forward Contest. The good news for us writers is she's sharing tips for polishing manuscripts, including basic manuscript format. One her clients, author Gary Corby, has taken pity on her sanity and posted his own manuscript template.

Loved this one: Apartment Therapy posts images of the bedrooms of fifteen famous authors

Over at YA Highway, a discussion on YA book cover models who look suspiciously like famous actors

Holly Black put up an amazing breakdown of her daily word count while writing her latest novel, from first page to last edit

Vickie Motter takes a look at the little details that make your character unique and gives examples of tiny tweaks that can make worlds of difference

Stina Lindenblatt on Querytracker compares the publishing industry to the world of investing and gives some tips and tricks for how to use lessons in finance as a path to publishing success

Justine Larbaleister reminds us all that "I'll Know I've Made it as a Writer When..." can be interpreted hundreds of different ways

Book sales rep Vanessa DiGregorio talks about what life as a publishing account manager is really like

That's it this week! Remember to check back this afternoon to see the latest round in the YA Character Championship, and have a great weekend!

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