
Friday, March 30, 2012

YA Character Championship Day 5: Stuff Happens

Wooooo.... Woooooo...?

Yeah, sorry guys, my energy is a little on the low side. This YA Bracket update is the last thing I plan on doing before the weeeeekend starts, so I'm not...really...focused...on...


what was I doing?

Oh right! Exciting YA battles and such. All righty. Let's get to it.

The luck is running with plucky dystopian heroines as Katniss rides high, beating my favorite steampunker, Deryn, and Tris knocks out Ship Breaker's Nailer.

Over in Contemporary, Alaska takes on Kristina/Bree and wins, while Cameron conquers Melina of Speak.

We're taking the weekend off, but the YA bracket will be back with match-ups between Harry Potter and Katsa, and Sean and Lyra!

Aaaand...I'm off to take a nap. Have a great weekend everyone!

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