
Friday, September 21, 2012

Wrap Up: Slipper Season Edition

Well. It's the last day of summer (side note: when did it get to be September 21?), and while I would have liked to celebrate with a cute sun dress and flip flops, a glance outside my window shows that Chicago has decided to celebrate with cold breezes and some light rain. So, in lieu of flip flops, I'm wearing my wonderful LL Bean slippers.

Not to shill for LL Bean or anything, but they are pretty much actually the greatest slippers ever. They are so wonderful that every person in my family owns their own pair (we finally convinced the husband last Christmas). They are wonderful and will likely stay on my feet for the next eight-ten months.

Let's check out this week's blogs! This was a big week in publishing behind-the-scenes:

Carolee Dean looks at the making of the book trailer for her new novel, Forget Me Not

Stacey Wallace Benefiel talks about how she created her own audiobook for her novel, Glimpse

From Suzie Townsend, Disney*Hyperion breaks down the process of designing the cover for Dan Krokos' False Memory. They're also holding an open contest for a cover redesign!

Elsewhere on the blogs, Susan Dennard has a lovely essay on the people who inspired her to read

I want pretty much all of these: fourteen redesigned pens and pencils

Write horror? Amy Lukavics points out some tips and common pitfalls when it comes to the killer ending

Lee & Low Books, a childrens book publisher that specializes in diversity, is offering a new award for nonpublished authors of color. In addition to a $1000 grant, the winning author will be given a publication contract. Deadline for manuscripts is October 30, and for more information, check out their website

Lit agent Kathleen Ortiz explains foreign rights, how writers (and agents) sell them and what they mean

Rachelle Gardner discusses the name change from "traditional publishers" to "full-service publishers" in the wake of the self-pub boom
From Galleycat, a new website called Docutoss allows you to post your novel, essay, screenplay, whatever and get comments, advice, and edits from visitors

Vanessa Di Gregorio puts together a list of upcoming book-to-movie adaptations (The Hobbit!!!)

J.R. Parsons writes over at Rachelle Gardner's blog about how to learn from, but not mimic, classic authors

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