
Monday, September 24, 2012

Writing Spaces: Fit for a Hobbit

I'm a bit late for Tolkien Day, but I would be remiss if I didn't do something to mark the occasion. Last year, I featured J.R.R. Tolkien's own desk and office, so this year, in honor of The Hobbit* hitting theaters, I decided to spotlight those jolly, food-loving, underground-dwelling souls, the hobbits.

We only get a brief glimpse of Frodo's desk in The Lord of the Rings movies,
but it's easy to see that it's comfy, warm, and well-lit, with a great writing desk and a cozy fireplace.
Otherwise known as: every writer's dream office.

Here's another look at Frodo/Bilbo's desk, along with the book that supposedly grew into The Lord of the Rings. As expected, cluttered with doodles, bits of detritus, and (probably) hobbit-style Post It notes

These offices are so lovely that it's not at all surprising to me that people would want to replicate them. Like this office, which belongs to (I'm not kidding) Jane Fonda. Jane purposely built this hobbit-style window for her office when she redecorated her ranch.

And for the diehard hobbit fan, there's this home, built by architects Archer and Buchanan for a fan in Wales.

Of course, there is no greater fan than the man who brought The Lord of the Rings to life: Peter Jackson. Every time I see him relaxing in the world he's built, a look of such peacefulness and satisfaction comes over him, only to be quickly replaced by the realization that this is a set and not, actually, real life. Makes me want to give him a hug and dig him a hobbit hole of his own...

*I'm most looking forward to seeing Thranduil, Legolas's dwarf-racist party dad

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