
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Some Writing/Reading Stuff that I Like

Re: Monday's post, wherein I whimpered like a baby about how exhausted I was (am!), I was going to actually post something today with, like, real thoughts, but I am copping out (again).

Sooooo, here's some fun book/writer-related stuff I found online. For, like, Christmas presents and junk. Enjoy!

Field Notes, $4 from the Cooper-Hewitt Shop
I'm always looking for nice, smallish, simple notebooks, and I love this Moleskine-alternative

Postalco Leather Legal Envelope, $465 from the Cooper-Hewitt shop
If I had money to waste on completely frivolous things, I would probably consider picking up one of these little beauties. Can you imagine how nice it would be to slip your final manuscript in there for safe-keeping?

If the Cooper-Hewitt leather envelope is a little too rich for your taste, here's a more reasonable alternative from Urban Outfitters, in gorgeous teal

I'm one of those people who tends to use scraps of paper, pens, articles of clothing in lieu of actual bookmarks, but I love MOMA's series of art-deco-inspired metal bookmarks

Or, if you want to go less classy, these finger rubber band bookmarks are downright adorable

Keeping with the finger motif, these finger-shaped post-it notes made me laugh

While cleaning out my grandma's house, we found a bunch of beautiful old pens that once belonged to my grandmother. The husband uses them now for notes, and there's just something so satisfying about writing with a nice pen.

I actually asked for this one for Christmas, because how could I not!
Throw a typewriter on anything and I'm in looooove
Did I choose this one purely for the excellent punnery?
But it's still a beautiful little notebook, the Middle Earth version of Moleskine (and I love that crimson dragon on the front)
So gorgeous!
Love love love the wood grain on the mouse (swoon)

Merry Christmas!

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