
Friday, December 14, 2012

Wrap Up: A Christmas Story Edition

It's another charming chalkboard rendition of a famous Christmas classic! Yes, I'm still taking time out of my busy schedule to make silly drawings on the wall of my apartment, and yes, I'm fantasizing about when it will all be over. But it's been fun! And Christmasy! And definitely not making me crazy.

Just a note: I will be taking a break from blogging starting today so that I can enjoy the Christmas holiday without worrying about silly office photos to post. I'll be back in action starting in January, and I plan on some fun posts, including a wrap-up of Cybils judging and a look back on the 150+ books I've read this year (ooof). My Christmas blog will still update, though, every day with another lovely drawing, so feel free to drop by and take a look!

This week in blogging!

Mary Kole answers a reader's question about how to get into writing/publishing with some smart advice on internships and MFAs

Operation Awesome is holding a New Years Revision Conference. More details here!

Annie Schutte at the YALSA blog threw down the gauntlet on YA covers this week, calling them racist for whitewashing or obscuring POC. It led to an interesting debate in the comments as well as this reaction from author Diana Peterfreund, who objects to her book's inclusion on the list

Loved this! An interview (and lots of pretty pictures) with book binder Don Taylor

Via Galleycat, Scholastic Books Club editorial director David Allender discusses his take on children's book trends for 2013 (yeah, and I've been hearing hard sci-fi is the next big thing since 2009)

CW is punking us right? The network has ordered a Hunger-Games-style reality show

The great blog Pub Crawl put together a list of their best posts of the year (with some great, specific resources for writers)

That's it for me in 2012! Thanks for making this a wonderful, fun year, and I'll see you in 2013!

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