
Friday, February 15, 2013

Wrap Up: Gettin Cozy Edition

I want to take a nap right now

After the last few crazy weeks of agent-signing and dog-watching and super-snowstorm-having and mural-drawing, I'm ready for a quiet couple of days to get back on schedule. The husband is gone for the weekend, but my lovely, wonderful friends, knowing the kind of hermit-like homebody I am, are scheduling a weekend's worth of fun activities to keep me occupied/socialized (which may or may not involve some bottles of Champagne and a marathon of my favorite 90s teen movies).

But before I crash for the week, here are some of my favorite posts!

Nathan Bransford's annual first paragraph contest has its winner! Nathan also put together a collection (to be continually updated) of some of his favorite writing advice tweets

From Publishing Crawl, some sweet Valentine's Day reading recommendations. And Galleycat put together their own list of free e-book favorites

Mary Kole is setting up critique partners! If you're interested in finding a crit partner, you can check out her site for more information

Loved this: via Mashable, if classic video games were children's books

One more thing.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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