
Friday, February 22, 2013

Wrap Up: Underwhelming Snow Edition

It's snowy in Chicago today, but, as usual, the MASSIVE, CRIPPLING BLIZZARD warned about in the news has turned into a 2-inch snowfall. What gives? Where are all the drifts and thunder snows I was warned about? Between this winter and last winter, my boots are barely getting a workout. Before you know it, the crocuses on the corner will be in bloom, the tree outside will start sprouting leaves, and my winter coats will go in storage for another year. Not that I'm complaining about a short winter, but if it's going to be cold (negative degrees over here!), there should at least be some snow (grumblegrumblesnowmangrumble).

All right, enough winter-griping; here are this week's posts!

I am a devoted Kristin Cashore fan, and I read this post--about paying attention to the world--was totally spot-on 

The excellent blog Literary Rambles reached 3000 followers and is celebrating with a massive giveaway!

From Rachelle Gardner: Never again hate self-promotion

Two shortlists were announced this week and Galleycat has links to free samples of both: the Nebula Awards (which includes the Andre Norton Award for best YA SFF) and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize (which has a YA category) 

Loved, loved, loved: from Happy Cog CEO Greg Hoy, why good work isn't enough and the qualities of successful people

Nathan Bransford talks e-books and the possibility of a market where people could buy and sell used e-books

My fab agent Sara Crowe put together some excellent tips on how to refine your pitch and query letter

Made me laugh: Sh*t First Drafts of famous novels

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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